curl / libcurl / API / curl_mime_free

curl_mime_free - free a mime handle


curl_mime_free - free a previously built mime structure


#include <curl/curl.h>
void curl_mime_free(curl_mime *mime);


curl_mime_free is used to clean up data previously built/appended with curl_mime_addpart and other mime-handling functions. This must be called when the data has been used, which typically means after curl_easy_perform has been called.

The handle to free is the one you passed to the CURLOPT_MIMEPOST option: attached sub part mime structures must not be explicitly freed as they are by the top structure freeing.

mime is the handle as returned from a previous call to curl_mime_init and may be NULL.

Passing in a NULL pointer in mime makes this function return immediately with no action.


int main(void)
  CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();
  if(curl) {
    /* Build the mime message. */
    curl_mime *mime = curl_mime_init(curl);
    /* send off the transfer */
    /* Free multipart message. */


As long as at least one of HTTP, SMTP or IMAP is enabled. Added in 7.56.0.

Return value


See also

curl_free(3), curl_mime_init(3)

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